How to permanently remove grass from a summer cottage plot

The dream of every gardener and gardener is to have a dacha plot free of annoying weeds. This dream seems unrealisable, especially for beginners. In fact, it is possible to burn out the grass so that it does not grow.


Chemical means

Weed affects cultivated plants and spoils the look, reducing yield and quality. Therefore, it is necessary to fight this unwanted problem constantly, spending a lot of time and effort. To get rid of weeds on the plot, it is advisable to study all available methods, so as not to give the weeds any chance to recover. To destroy the weed on the plot completely, you can use chemical means, which are divided into two categories – solid and selective.


The first group of chemicals removes weeds completely and permanently. Solid chemicals are mainly used in construction for clearing plots, as well as for laying pavements and ponds. Unlike folk methods of weeding out weeds, chemical preparations penetrate deeply into the parts of the plant, thereby killing it.опрыскивание урагантом

The most common preparations for combating weeds on the site – Tornado, Glyphosate, Hurricane, Agron, Lontrel. They will completely rid the vegetable garden of weeds. The means have good efficiency, while they are safe for humans and nature when used according to the instructions.

When using chemical means of weed control at the dacha, remember about safety measures. Mandatory use of glasses, gloves, protective clothing.

Selective action

The group of selective action – these are means that help to weed out only weeds on the site, thereby preserving cultivated plants. Such preparations get rid of grass on the beds, in particular, from dandelion, wheatgrass, plantain.борьба с сорняками

Means of selective action are available in emulsions, suspensions, granules and powders. Examples: Hacker, Liura, Deimos, Miura, Lazurite.

Any poison to prevent weed growth weakens after rains, in addition, the wind promotes the spread of seeds. Therefore, treatment is recommended to be carried out regularly.

Folk ways

In the past, there were no herbicides to get rid of weeds on the plot. Therefore, people successfully coped with folk ways to get rid of weeds, which can also be used today. The suggested methods can be used only for soil unsuitable for farming (paths, paths, lawns):

  • Salt. To stop grass from growing, the ground can be watered with a salt solution or sprinkled with dry coarse rock salt. The consumption is 1.5 kg of salt per 1 square metre of land. After watering, the remedy will begin its action.
  • Soda: As a remedy for grass growth on the plot you can use soda. It can be used in a solution or dry form. For a solution you need: 10 tablespoons of soda, a bucket of water 10 litres, a tablespoon of vegetable oil. The solution of soda has a depressing effect on the development of grass. You can strengthen the effect by adding crushed laundry soap. If you use baking soda in dry form, then the powder is simply scattered on the leaves.
  • Vinegar. This method will allow you to remove the grass from the site forever. The solution is prepared from 1 litre of hot water, 5 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt. Use immediately in hot form. Vinegar is a strong remedy, especially effective in removing weeds forever in the vegetable garden, along fences.
  • Machine oil. Waste machine oil, diesel oil can also weed out weeds on the dacha plot, if you treat the territory 1-2 times.
  • Electrolyte. No less aggressive way of treating grass so that it never grows is the treatment with electrolyte. It can be purchased in a machine shop, pour it into a sprayer and spray the desired area of land. In this way, the root system of weeds is completely burnt out.

Соль от сорняков

Folk methods allow you to kill the grass on the homestead plot.

Mechanical methods

Let us now consider mechanical means for combating weeds on the plot.


This method is labour-intensive, but quite effective. Digging, as a rule, is done after harvesting, in autumn. It is performed with forks, so as not to separate the roots of weeds and not to help them multiply. In this way they will be completely on the surface of the soil. After which the remains should be collected and destroyed. The method is effective against wheatgrass.перекопка участка


Such a technique is performed after digging the soil in autumn. Weed seeds remain on the surface of the ground, which are killed by frost.


To remove grass on the site, you can weed the beds several times a season. The first weeding should begin in the spring, as soon as the sprouts of the future harvest appear, because together with them undesirable weeds break through to the surface. Weeding should be done after watering. It is not possible to get rid of weeds completely, but you can significantly slow down their growth, which gives the growing crops a chance to get stronger.с тяпкой в огороде


Periodic pruning of the above-ground part of weeds contributes to root depletion. This will cause the weed to die. The method works with weeds such as thistle.


To weed out the grass on the site, so that the grass never grows, some vegetable gardeners use the method of burning out with a blowtorch. It is used in spring before the first sprouts appear. The fire of the lamp should be passed over the entire surface of the ground, lingering in one place for no more than 5 seconds, and then abundantly water the soil to cool down. This method does not affect the properties of the soil.Выжигание сорняков


To get rid of weeds in the beds, you can use mulching – covering the soil with different materials:

  • agrofibre;
  • agrofibre; agrocloth;
  • black film;
  • grass clippings, hay;
  • wood chips;
  • tree bark;
  • crushed stone, gravel, etc.

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Mulching plants not only helps to prevent the growth of weeds, but also keeps moisture in the soil, which accelerates the growth of plants.

Of all the ways everyone can choose the right one for themselves. In this way you can keep your dacha plot in a beautiful, well-groomed state without weeds not only in the vegetable garden, but also along garden paths and fences.

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